Monday, May 11, 2009

A Sweet Mother's Day

Yesterday morning started Mother's Day off perfectly, with me sleeping in a bit late and waking up with a much healthier McGee running in whispering, "Happy Mother's Day! It's time to eat. You need to get up because it's time to eat!" Then he crawled into bed and snuggled with me for a few minutes before we both went outside to enjoy a delicious breakfast that daddy cooked for us, complete with a fresh-cut yellow rose (my favorite) and touching card.

Since we'd been to church Saturday night like we usually do, we had a very relaxing, kick-back morning and around noon we went to check out a new Craigslist find for McGee, a sleigh bed style trundle bed and matching dresser - both originally from Goore's ($$$)! We ended up buying it at an incredible steal and my friend Alicia's awesome husband Joe helped load it up and brought it back to our house in his truck. I'm looking forward to setting it up for McGee and getting him ready for a "big boy bed".

After nap (McGee slept but Miss Em just chatted away for an hour) we went to Matt & Alanda's and had a combined early dinner of tri-tip, salad, fresh tomato pasta, asparagus, and garlic bread. Matt & Alanda had to leave at 4 pm for their small groups, but Grammy, Papa, Daddy and I took the 4 kids to Leatherby's for a cool treat. It was packed as expected, but we were able to get a table fairly quickly. Daddy wanted to share of course, but since it was Mother's Day I decided I wanted to get something all to myself so I created this delectable treat with Lite Coffee Oreo and Lite Toasted Almond ice cream, with chocolate fudge, caramel, whipped cream, nuts and a cherry!
Don't worry, I did not eat it all. I prefer to eat half and save the other half to eat the next day. It's so much better to draw out the sinful goodness then to devour it all at one sitting!

Overall it was a spledid Mother's Day and a great weekend to boot with extra time spent with my sister and family (a post on this will probably be coming). Thanks daddy, McGee and Em for a terrific day!


  1. YUMMMMMMM!! I want what you had!! :) Seriously! That picture made me go right to the freezer for some ice cream :) Oh, and the kids look cute too ;)

  2. Oooh...I love yellow roses too. My fav for sure! What a gorgeous pic of you and your little girl. So sweet!

  3. Thanks for the comments! As I just read about a little girl who passed away yesterday, I am continually grateful for my two precious rays of light!

  4. Wow, that is an AMAZING treat...drooling...
