Monday, January 26, 2009

Missing My Throne

Okay so I will admit that I often, frequently have super random thoughts. They fly at me from nowhere and unlike some people, I find that I tend to actually entertain them for a minute or two rather than letting them pass by without extended thought. So I thought I would record my most recent random thought:

After getting my jammies on and sitting down on my newly installed toilet (the water restoration guys broke our old one) to make a quick stop in the restroom, the thought came to me that I miss my old toilet a bit. :( The new one is taller (you all know I'm not too tall), but other than that, structurally it's sufficient. My brief sadness came when I realized I no longer had the throne that has been an important part of my life the last few years. It may seem silly, but this throne has been with me through many of my life's ups and downs. From holding me up through a few stomach flus and a miscarriage, to supporting me as my water broke and I thought I was about to die while about to give birth to my youngest, that throne was a constant that I could always count on. Okay - enough time spent on this latest random thought. Wonder what will be next?

1 comment:

  1. This blog is my favorite :) I LOVE random thoughts and I too entertain for a loner period of time than most normal people. I think this must be why we are friends.
