Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It Has Begun - Preschool that is!

Yesterday was McGee's first day of preschool!  I have anticipated this day for months and am so excited for him as he begins this new chapter in his life: school.  I was/am a little sad that these past 4 years have flown by so quickly and from this point on McGee will most likely be away from me several days each week in school.  He was not the most cooperative for those first day of school pictures (big SHOCK!) but drop off went off without a hitch and he seemed to have a great time.

The best smile he could muster

A Brave Bluebird - listening like a good boy during storytime

Apparently McGee made a big impression during playtime outside.  His one teacher Miss Sonja told me how full of boy energy he was and how he was one of the "guards" (aka knight w/ a sword).  She wished her batteries hadn't run out on her camera because she wanted to record it for me.  Then as we were heading out two other teachers mentioned what a fun little boy he was and how much they enjoyed watching him on the playground.  It's killing me not getting to be a fly-on-the-wall and seeing how he is when Mommy's not around!  Fortunately so far all of the reports are positive. :)

After pick-up they allow the preschool kids to play in the yard as long as the parents supervise them and McGee had fun playing with his friends (J) and (N).  (N) and McGee are in the same class, but (J) is in a different class so McGee enjoyed getting the extra time to play with him.

All smiles once at school!

Growing up my mom had a tradition of taking me out for an ice cream sundae after the first day of school.  I want to keep that tradition with my children, but we were invited to join a few other moms and kids for "Happy Meals" and combined a "Happy Meal" with the ice cream sundae (they were only $1!).  Definitely a rare junk food day for us.


  1. So cute!!! McDonalds with sundaes is also our plan for the first day of Kindergarten (and maybe Preschool too; Jaden starts the week after). Love the pictures and glad he is having so much fun at preschool!!

  2. Yay! How fun! You know we love the ice cream on the first day of school tradition too :) Last year we even added it on the last day of school too :D

  3. Aww it looked like an awesome first day!!! He is beyond adorable!!!

  4. Am I a bad mom for not posting about Yaya's 1st day of preschool yet? It was fun seeing you at McDonalds. Thanks for inviting us to join you. Sorry we didn't get to sit together and chat tho. Maybe next time.

  5. I love back to school pictures! My son starts next week and believe me your son's smile is much better than the looks I will get!

  6. Thank you for all of the comments!

  7. Kim - I wish you luck for your sons back to school pics!
    Frizzy - not a bad mom at all, nope!

  8. So cute! The last shots are really nice!
