Monday, February 22, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to another Not Me! Monday!  This blog carnival was started by MckMama and you can head over to her blog to see what everyone else didn't do this week.

Our infirmary here is still in full swing as Miss Em is at the tail end of a cold and now has been throwing up the last couple of nights.  She seems fine, no fever or anything, but can't seem to keep much food in.

 - I did not spend the weekend with very little voice, sounding like a debarked dog whenever I talked to anyone.  Furthermore, I did not convince everyone I felt fine (because I did) and just had lost my voice, only to wake up this morning achy and with an actual sore throat and congested chest.

 -  After letting McGee fix his own snack, I did not find him eating salami (he calls it "safami"), crackers and...whipped cream!  He was not supposed to be eating a cheesestick and crackers.  Being the smart mom that I am, there is no way I let Miss Em have a piece of this salami and whipped cream after just having spent the night throwing up every 1/2 hour. 

NOT eating whipped cream covered salami with cartoons on in the background

NOT wearing a shirt with the sleeve covered in whipped cream

NOT teaching sister how to spray whipped cream

 - Lover of pictures and my DSLR camera, there is no way I took my Canon XS camera to the snow with us and even took it out to snap some pictures when it was snowing.  Nope, I wouldn't risk it being damaged just to get some fun shots of our first trip to the snow!  I didn't also bring my backup point-and-shoot Canon Powershot which is what I brought out when it really started snowing.

 - Last but not least, as I was getting dressed this morning I did not come out to find McGee helping himself to his 2nd breakfast of the morning. 

Notice there are definitely not Multi-Grain Cheerios on the floor, nope, we would never have messes like that in OUR house!

Well that is all for this week, hope you are blessed with many happy and Not Me! moments this week!


  1. I love this one! It was good chatting with you today. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Sounds like quite a week! Just a puke tip for ya: I've been told after throwing up, it's bad for kiddos to have any kind of dairy for 5 days. It is too unsettling in their tummies and can cause "relapses".....
    I hope everyone is feeling better soon!!

  3. So great to talk with you this morning too Tina - thanks for the call!

    MomBrose - thank you for your always helpful tips! We've been cutting out the dairy so far.
