Monday, November 23, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Well I skipped last week, but here I am with another Not Me! Monday post. This started with MckMama and you can see other Not Me! Monday posts linked up here. As usual, my Not Me! usually have something to do with the kids. :)

- It WASN'T me who decided to take 10 minutes to scrub the bathrooms believing no disasters could occur. It WASN'T me who came out to the dining room to find out I WAS WRONG! It WASN'T my children who took a perfectly good, brand new box of baking soda and emptied it all over the place while making "pie". This "pie" did NOT consist of swiss cheese slices covered in baking soda (it actually did look a bit like refrigerated pie crust). For the 10 minutes it took me to clean the bathrooms I DID NOT add another 2 hours of scrubbing down the kitchen and mopping and vacuuming up baking soda.

- When I took the plastic kids table outside to hose it off from all of the baking soda dust, I did NOT find a BIG black widow crawling around on the underside of the seat. I did NOT thank the Lord for all of this mess just so I could be the one to find the black widow and not one of the children. Moments after finishing all of the mopping, McGee did NOT say, "Mommy it's raining!" and then open the sliding door and let the dogs out only to have the run right back in tracking muddy footprints all over my newly cleaned floor. I did NOT end up mopping that floor twice more over the next couple of days due to child-induced messes. And of course there is NO WAY I took time out to take pictures of this baking soda mess! Not ME! You'd NEVER find a camera in MY hand!



Notice a pink blur on the table - that would be Miss Em who did NOT get on the table 4 times that day!






- Friday night while attending a beautiful wedding for some friends with my husband, he and I did NOT actually grace the dance floor with our presence for more than one token slow song. Nope, we would NEVER make fools of ourselves just for the sake of having fun! I also did NOT find out that I still know all of the words to "Ice, Ice Baby" and I DIDN'T really enjoy singing it after all these years!

- At our family photo shoot Saturday, hoping to capture the perfect picture for our Christmas card, Miss Em did NOT decide to be as cranky and as obstinate as possible! She did NOT completely ruin the possibility of a nice, happy family photo, but she may have given us some comical ones.

- McGee did NOT wake me up Sunday morning by saying, "Mommy wake up and meet my new friend Buddy. He's my new Buddy, Buddy the ant." My eyes did NOT fly open when he mentioned ant and showed me "Buddy" crawling around on his hand because I was afraid of what that could mean. I did NOT immediately run out to the kitchen to find McGee with a bowl of Cocoa Crispies and M&Ms for his breakfast (he helped himself before waking us up). I did NOT also find ants had invaded our pantry, dining room and all the way out to the living room thanks to an opened bag of White Chocolate Chips that I had told McGee not to touch. Apparently we DON'T need to work on listening and obedience with our 3 yr. old.

- Did I mention this was Sunday morning? So while Daddy showered and ran off to teach his Sunday school class, I did NOT spend the next hour trying to eradicate our home of ants and mop, yet again. After printing out the labels for our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes I did NOT find it eerily quiet and go back to my bedroom to find my dear, dear children had gotten into my make-up and Miss Em had dark red lipstick on various parts of herself as well as on 5 different spots of the carpet. This was NOT about 10 minutes before church started. While quickly tossing all of the make-up on the counter so we could get the kids cleaned up and off to church, I did NOT find a few different clumps of Miss Em's hair on the ground. I'm still unsure of what could have been used to cut her hair for her first unofficial haircut.

- After coming home from church I did NOT put my kids to work cleaning dishes just to keep them busy while I tried to straighten up some of the pre-church mess.




Wishing you a fantastic week without any regrets or embarrassing moments!


  1. So cute, but sounds exhausting!! Glad you made it through that week!! My favorite was the "my friend buddy" and how you discovered the ants :)

  2. Ok, I just cracked up all the way through that one!! Sounds like a typical day here too! :D
    When we moved from VA to CA, I put reagan at the sink and let her "wash dishes" for two hours while I packed. Ah...blessed quiet while they "work" :D
