Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cleaning Out Clutter - A Garage Sale Tale

There is Spring cleaning, and then there is freeing your home of clutter! Although I like to get the house spotless with the Spring cleaning, it's the decluttering season (aka: getting ready for a garage sale) that I absolutely love and that makes my heart and home much happier!

Last weekend we had a garage sale - usually something we do every year or two to get rid of all that stuff we just don't need, use or love anymore. Garage sales have always been fun for my family and I, with my parents joining us for the day and our tradition of enjoying fresh maple donuts (a garage sale treat). This year my sister also joined us along with my sister-in-law Alanda, so we had PLENTY of "treasures" for people to come buy. It didn't seem as busy as in years past and we still had lots leftover that I wasn't expecting, but overall we made some good money and had a nice time.

The rule for our garage sales: anything that gets put out DOES NOT go back into the house. When we decide we're done with the sale, everything gets loaded in the back of the van and taken directly to our nearest thrift store. Now I have my Mom's Connection Swap in a couple of weeks so I did save the baby items to take to the swap, but everything else went bye-bye! Ahhh...our house and garage feel SO much better! I'd encourage you to head into this holiday season with a cleaner home and calmer heart as well - just grab a bag for things to toss and a bag for things to donate and start filling them up like crazy! I guarantee you won't regret it.

Mr. McGee was QUITE the salesman! I was afraid he would grab up all of his toys I'd decided to sell and run back inside with them, but instead he would take and show them to the little kids that came by and even helped with pricing!

Auntie Michelle and Miss Em enjoyed lots of fun time together.

Papa find it hard to sit still, so he and McGee took some selling downtime to rake up the fallen peaches and clear up the yard a bit.

McGee is such a hard worker - he wants to do the job right the first time, just like Papa!

Auntie sorting through some of the clothes she'd set out to sell. Can you see that tiny little baby bump? We can't wait to meet our niece in February!

Uncle Mike & Lee Anne came towards the end and helped us pack it all away. I think there could be a stowaway on-board.

A very tired stowaway...

Miss Em cleaned up after the long day with a nice kitchen sink bath by Grandma

SO much fun!

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